General Information

School Opening and Closing

The school building opens at 9.10 a.m. each day The children should not be dropped/arrive at school before 9.10 a.m. The school and Board of Management are not responsible for children who are left at the school before 9.10 a.m. Please encourage your child to come into the school on his/her own. Formal teaching beginning at 9.20a.m. Please ensure that your child is on time for school each day.

Other relevant times are as follows:

Please ensure that your child knows who is collecting him/her or how he/she is to go home. Where there is a change in the person collecting your child please let the class teacher know in writing.

You will be notified in advance of school holidays and days off. The school adheres to the Department of Education.

Emergency Closing

    • Every effort will be made to contact parents/guardians by telephone in case of emergency closing
    • Please ensure all telephone numbers are updated regularly with the school secretary.
    • Please check that the school is open before leaving your child at school